Friday, November 27, 2009

The Effects of September,11, 2001 in The United States.

Everyday people in the United States of America remember September,11,2001. That day a group of Al-Qaeda hijacked four planes and crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. According to researches about 3000 people died in attacks. That day was one of the most terrible day in the History of The United States of America. The September 11 attacks resulted negative effects in people, the economy, and the enviroment in the United States of America.One of the effects of 9/11 attacks in the United States was mental health problems in people. The psychological and neurological repercussions in adult witnesses who were near the World Trade Center and in children who lost a parent in the tragedy are some of the health conditions that people have suffered after 9/11 attacks. Another negative effect of 9/11 attacks in The United States was in the economy. September 11, 2001 was an event that disturbed the U.S. stock markets, and its effects affected many financial markets such as the Airlines and Insurance industries. Finally, the 9/11 attacks resulted negative effects in the environment. For instance, people, animals, and the vegetation near the zone were affected because of the toxic substance buried when the towers collapse.

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