Thursday, December 10, 2009

Doctor Martin Luther King speech is one of the most important and famous speech in the History of the United States of America. His speech is an inspiration for people around the world that who love the equal rights of all men. Martin Luther King was an honorable Afro- american hero who advocated for men's rights of being treated equally regardless their color skin. In his speech Dr King tried to convince people to respect the equals rights of others. He argues not only for black people rights, but also for the human condition of being egual. Martin Luther King in his speech told to people how despite of the emancipation of the slavery the individual rights of black people continuing been violated. He also in his speech exclaimed with emotion that " Al men are created equal." His strong arguments, integrity, and emotional power placed his speech in one of the best speeches in the United States of America.

"Complaining" by Maya Angelow

Everyone has something in his/her life that want to change. If I' ll have the opportunity to change or reframe my negative thoughts; I wil be a better person and I'll can improve in my life. For example, I want to to think that I can do everything that I propose myself. Also I want to think that not everyone who approach to me has bad intentions or they want to take advantage of me. I know that those negative thoughts are really difficult to change, but if I reframe and learn from those thoughts I can achieve its. For instance, we as human made a mistake in our life and we think that all the world will have to fall over us. In my opinion it is not true. On the contrary, if people think that they can learn from mistakes, they can get better result in their lives.